Monday, July 18

Aloha, Aloha


I sit in the plane as we get ready to depart from LAX. I’ve never been to California before, but this is where the tickets for our flight out of Louisiana took us. Naturally, I’m intrigued by this reward they’re planning on giving us. After the events in the haunted house, everyone is quiet and tired, so I’m hoping it’s even better than Disney World. I don’t remember what happened, but it still left Ryan shaking quite a bit so that had to say something. In fact, I think part of the reason I don’t remember is because of her. Actually, no one remembers much of anything and it’s more or less disturbing.

My seat is between Ryan and Ipod. Toby somehow got stuck in the row behind us, sitting by the aisle next to two kids. He’s not complaining though. I think he prefers it actually. He’s twitching an awful lot and I’m sure he wants to pull out his laptop so he can get straight to gaming on our flight again. I’m kind of surprised he still has a battery but whatever. Ipod curls up and gets comfortable. She puts her head on my shoulder and I don’t complain one bit even if she doesn’t ask me. I can’t help it, even if she does have a boyfriend. She points it out constantly. Cory thinks she’s insecure about her relationship or making it up. I’m not so sure, and I don’t want to get my hopes up anyway. Besides, she might change her mind about me when she finds out what I’m doing here exactly.

I glance over at Ryan and notice she’s looking at a picture, no, she has two pictures. Most of the time, I do my best to stay out of other people’s business, and I didn’t mean to pry, but it’s also hard to not see these kinds of things when you’re in close proximity with people. What I see floors me. One picture is of an ultrasound, a four dimensional one of a baby with lots of details in fact, and the other is of Ryan holding a newborn while wearing a hospital gown. She’s even smiling in a motherly fashion and it’s a tender side of her I’ve never seen before.

Ryan notices me looking and scowls. “What?”

“Nothing,” I say and bite my lip.

“Yes, big secret is out. It’s not a big deal.”

I shrug, “I guess that’s your call to make.”

She sighs, “I had to…because he didn’t want….”

I nod, filling in the blanks. She doesn’t have to elaborate further. I’m not exactly sure what to say to her. “So if we win you….?”

“Get her back.” Ryan whispers. She glances over at Ipod to see if there’s any reaction. As far as I can tell, she’s asleep already. Her breathing is slow and deep, so if she’s not and she’s eavesdropping on our conversation, she’s doing a good job of faking it.

Still biting my lip I reach into my pocket and pull out the picture I had of me and my brother. I figure it’d be fair to trade right? It helps remind me of what I’m working for, even if Cory doesn’t like to look at it. He doesn’t like to see what he once was, because I’m drastically different than him in just about every way imaginable. He’s taller, stronger, and rougher all around. In fact, more often than not people think he’s some kind of Greek god. I’m nothing more than a pretty boy. The only thing we have in common is our eye color. He may want to forget about what he once was, but I don’t. It helps me maintain some form of sanity as well. You know, reminds me that we are in fact two different people.

I show her the picture. “This is what I’m trying to get.”

She takes it and stares. Her eyes go wide for a moment and then she frowns. “Is that…Cory?”

I nod and close my eyes. “Yeah, that’s him in all of his perfect everything glory.”

“I see the resemblance. You have a lot of similar features.”

I think this is the first time I’ve heard this actually, because I tend to look more like Mom and he follows after Dad. If we were to do an entire family portrait, it would make sense, but seeing us individually we’re more often mistaken for friends than brothers. Still frowning, she hands me back the picture.

“Interesting,” She says and closes her eyes.

I’m about to ask her what’s so interesting exactly when the intercom turns on.

“This is your captain speaking. We will be departing soon for Honolulu Hawaii.”

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